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Coffee processing is the single most important determining factor in the flavour profile of a coffee. The way the fruit is removed dramatically effects the final cup profile.

Below are succinct explanations of the most popular processing methods.

There are more processing styles and variations of these classic methods that have been developed over the years by foreward- thinking producers. We'll be sure to add those to this list as time goes on. 

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Washed coffees get picked, pulped, fermented, washed, then dried. The key difference here is that it is fermented after being pulped and that the fermentation is controlled by Lactic Acid Bacteria. The fermentation is complete when the coffee beans , still encapsulated in its protective parchment layer, are smooth to the touch. It's then run with water through channels. Then it's collected and dried, either in the sun or mechanically.


These lots will arguably have a truer expression of genetics of the varietals being used; a strong portrayal of organic acids, most notably-Citric and Malic, and an overall "cleaner" cup profile(not taking into account individual lot-specific qualities). These attributes end up being incredibly functional and multi purpose.

This is the mainstay process in the Coffee industry.

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Honey processed coffees get picked,soreted, pulped and sun dried. Controlled fermentation and washing is bypassed. The Honey-Process has more emphasis on manipulating the amount of mucilage left on the coffee parchment through De-pulper adjustments. It’s called the Honey- Process because the mucilage that’s left on the coffee parchment becomes very sticky as it dries.And as this happens, there is massive interactions with wild yeast in the environment.

There are a number of different ‘levels’ of Honey in this process including and not limited to-

  • White

  • Yellow

  • Red 

  • Black

The lighter the colour, the lower the amount of mucilage that was left on the coffee parchment. 


​These lots will have excellent sweetness potential and tend to be perceived as dessert-like coffees with lower acidity profiles. Texture is often pronounced. Washed and Natural characteristics may make an appearance depending on the honey level.



Natural processed coffees get picked, sorted and then dried in the sun.Controlled fermentation and washing is bypassed.​​

​Increased yeast activity is more prominent, much like with the Honey process, and leads to more diverse polysaccharide generation in the seed as part of its metabolic activity.

These longer chain sugars  will yield a different set of aroma compounds in roasting and can create quite a fragrant coffee.


These lots typically have pronounced sweetness, body and fruitiness. The final acidity profile is typically different to other processing methods- often reflecting higher levels of acetic acid.

​This is the likely reason Naturals often have a winey or tangy attribute.Acetic acid also has the tendency to potentiate the fragrance making it more fruity and sweet. A notable exception here would be natural processed Brazilian coffees.





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