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Coffee producing regions-

Nariño, Cauca, Huila, Tolima, Popayan, Quindio, Caldas, Risaralda, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Santander & Norte de Santander.


Coffee varietals-

Typica, Bourbon, Tabi, Caturra, Colombia, Maragogype, Castillo and some other lesser known varietals.


Harvest periods-

March to June

September to December

Colombia is the third largest coffee-producing country in the world and offers a wide range of geographical conditions and micro-climates that creates a multitude of sweet and delicious cup profiles. Colombia’s wide range of climates also means that harvest times can vary significantly. Due to these varying harvest times — and the Mitaca crop — fresh crop Colombian coffee is available nearly year-round.


The Mitaca crop is essentially a second harvest that occurs roughly 6 months after the main crop in most regions. It is a result of moist ocean air rising from both the Pacific and the Caribbean, and the north-to-south orientation of the central mountain ranges.

Colombia can be separated roughly into three major regional clusters.


North- Santander, Norte de Santander and Magdalena, - are typically cultivated at lower altitudes where temperatures are higher. These lots tend to be bolder and sometimes earthy, with a gentler acidity profile and more pronounced body potential, often with chocolate and nut notes.


Central- Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, and Northern Tolima) are typically fruity with great balance. Beyond this, each region exemplifies differences in flavour characteristics.


South- (Cauca, Popayan, Nariño, Huila and Southern Tolima) typically showcase pronounced mouthfeel and body attributes, High sweetness potential, and often accompanied by a brighter acidity profile and consequently brighter fruit notes. 

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Our Colombian Green Coffees


Process Washed & sun-dried on flat roof tops protected with green house type structures.

Varietals Tabi, Caturra, Castillo

Region Huila, South Western Colombia

Quality Pro Series


Process Washed & sun-dried on flat roof tops protected with green house type structures.

Varietals Colombia, Castillo, Caturra, Catimor, Typica

Region  Popayán, Cauca, Pubenza valley

Quality Pro Series


Process Washed & sun-dried on flat roof tops protected with green house type structures.

Varietals Typica, Castillo, Caturra

Region Tolima, Andean Region

Quality Pro Series

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