farming PROFILE
Process: Natural, dried via various methods including- patios, raised beds, and sometimes mechanical driers and silos.
Varietals: Bourbon, Topazio, Icatu, Catuai, Caturra, Mundo Novo.
Altitude: 800- 1200 masl
Region: Cerrado Mineiro
Producer: Various producers with farm sizes ranging from 1-50
Harvest Period: May- September 2023.
green coffee information
Quality Category: Conventional
Grade: Screen 15, SS, Fine Cup, NY2.
Screen Size Spread: Screen 20: 2.2% / Screen 19: 8.7% / Screen 18: 14.3% / Screen 17: 36.8%
Screen 16: 6% / Screen 15: 25.6/ Screen 14: 6%
Packaging: Grain Pro
Licensed Q-Grader: Mike Mac Donald
SCA score on arrival sample: 80.50
Cup profile commentary: A classic base for any successful espresso blend. This lot shows brown spice and nutty aromatics with caramelised sugar, roasted nuts and grape in the cup. Creamy with a mild acidity profile.