farming PROFILE
Process: Washed and sun-dried on flat roof tops and protected with green house type structures.
Varietals: Typica, Castillo, Caturra
Altitude: 1400 - 2150 masl
Region: Tolima, Andean Region.
Producer: 167 farmers from the association ASOPEP and 66 Coffee families from ASCISP
Harvest Period: September to November 2023
green coffee information
Quality Category: Pro Series
Grade: Excelso
Screen Size Spread: Scr20: 1.5%/ Scr19: 16.3%/ Scr18: 35%/Scr17: 27.8%/ Scr16: 16.3%/ Scr15: 3.1%
Packaging: Grain Pro
Licensed Q-Grader: Mike Mac Donald
SCA score on arrival sample: 84
Cup profile commentary: Incredibly sweet and delicious honey, citrus and floral character. Probably better suited as a single origin but could be your secret weapon in a well crafted and intentional blend.