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Tolima Reserve 2

CASTILLO Sugar Cane Decaf

farming PROFILE

Process: Washed and sun-dried on flat roof tops and protected with greenhouse type structures. After milling, the coffee undergoes Sugar Cane Decaffeination

Varietals: Castillo

Altitude:  1500 - 2070 masl

Region: Quindio, Andean region

Producer: Various producers in Quindio working closely with our in country partners- Cofinet

Harvest Period: September to November  2023


green coffee information

Quality Category: Conventional

Grade: Excelso

Screen Size Spread: Scr20: 5%/ Scr19: 10.8/ Scr18: 26.6%/ Scr17: 25.7%/ Scr18: 20%/ Scr15: 7.9%/ Scr14: 4%

Packaging: Grain Pro



Licensed Q-Grader: Mike Mac Donald

SCA score on arrival sample: 82.50

Cup profile commentary: Juicy and creamy with dark chocolate and orange. It’s sure to delight. We typically prefer sugar cane profile decafs as it tends to have a richer, sweeter  and more complex profile.



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